Invasion, Invasion
Constructed through the variety of popular mobile photo editing apps, Stamper’s photographic exploration “Invasion, Invasion” explores the nature of the photographic print and its devaluation in the ever-growing digital culture. To comment on the ever-changing state of our modern society, Stamper questions the sentimentality of a photographic artefact and if photographs can be still considered an accurate historical object. Hence, to interrogate this notion of historical truth Stamper has re-photographed Google Street View using a smartphone camera and used modern photo printers built for smartphone users to create an array of 2x3 zink (zero ink) photographic prints – in reflection to on-going use of facial recognition technology and the invasive nature of social media platforms. However, Stamper has further explored this by using found imagery from a family archive with the zink photographic prints produced to create a selection of still-life imagery that questions the used the everyday digital stickers, like emojis, as a tactical use of memetic warfare to question if the ability to “take back control” of our privacy in the digital age is possible, considering how the same technology is utilised to collect and claim personal data generated by you the “digital citizen” who use it.